Core Build

Strengthen your core for better posture and to reduce back pain

Click on the video below to get an idea of that to expect from this class!  To return to this page, click on the black background around the video.

On Demand Only
45 minutes


This class is conducted on your yoga mat (no standing).  I provide detailed explanations to help you feel confident during each exercise, and multi-level options are given to make it suitable for beginner to intermediate levels.  For example:

Level 1: Hold a half plank (on your knees)

Level 2: Hold a full plank (knees are off the ground)

Level 3: Hold a full plank and add movement, such as tapping foot out and in

This class is offered On Demand with several videos to choose from!

Class benefits

Your core is made up of several muscles, and when strengthened they can help improve the quality of your life in several ways!  Some examples are:

  1. Prevent back pain: Your core muscles work together to support you and protect your spine.  Back pain can occur when your core is weak and you aren’t getting the support you need.
  2. Improve balance and stability: Core strength is absolutely necessary when it comes to balance.  Having a strong core means you have better control over the position of your body and movements.
  3. Better posture: We tend to slouch because even simply sitting up straight requires core strength!  The stronger your core, the easier it will be to maintain proper posture.
  4. Everyday movements become easier: You use your core for basically every movement you do – from twisting to look behind you, to bending over to pick something up.  These motions become easier (and are less likely to cause injury!) when your core is strong.