Maintaining a happy spine and back involves moving it in ways that allow it to arch, round, twist, and bend to the side. I’ll show you a simple routine that will ensure it goes through its full range of motion. Learning it is quick and easy, so it won’t take long for you to make it a daily habit!
Not only will this improve the flexibility and mobility of your spine but it will also provide a gentle stretch for your back and waist!
Although the routine is shown in a cross-legged position on the floor, if you prefer or find it more convenient to perform in a chair, check for “chair variation” notes at the end of each step.
Seated Cat/Cow: Rounding and Arching Your Back
If you don’t have a yoga background, the name Cat/Cow may be unfamiliar (and perhaps sound a bit strange!), but don’t worry – this movement is easy for anyone to do, regardless of yoga experience! Not only does it encourage excellent movement through the spine, but it also provides a stretch for both your back and the front of your abdomen.

How to do it:
- Sit up tall with your legs crossed and your hands resting on your thighs.
- Inhale as you arch your back, pushing your abdomen and ribcage forward while looking up gently (Cow Pose).
- Exhale as you round your spine, tucking your chin to your chest while also tucking your tailbone (Cat Pose).
- Repeat the sequence at least 5 times, moving with your breath.
Chair Variation: The process is the same, however, I suggest sitting slightly toward the front edge of your chair to create space behind you for Cat Pose.
Side Bends: Lengthen Through Your Side
When doing your side bends, focus on creating a gentle curve in your spine instead of simply leaning to the side. This not only ensures you get the side movement in your spine but also provides a satisfying stretch along the side of your waist.

How to do it:
- Sit up tall with your legs crossed.
- Inhale, raising your right arm overhead.
- Exhale, placing your left hand on the floor, and bend towards the left. This action forms a gentle curve in your spine, providing a stretch along the opposite side of your waist.
- Inhale again, returning to the center as you lower your right arm and lift your left arm overhead.
- Now, exhale as you bend towards the right.
- Repeat the sequence at least 5 times, moving with your breath.
Chair Variation: Instead of placing your hand on the floor, you can either grip the side of the chair seat or rest your hand on your hip.
Twists: Unwind and Release Tension
Twists are wonderful for increasing spinal mobility and releasing tension in your back muscles. They can even help with digestion! In order for them to be most effective, make sure not to slouch, otherwise the twist will be limited to your upper spine.

How to do it:
- Sit with a straight spine with your hands resting on your thighs.
- Inhale to lengthen your spine, and as you exhale, twist gently to one side, bringing your opposite hand to the outer thigh or knee.
- Inhale and return to your starting position.
- Exhale and repeat the twist to the other side.
- Repeat this sequence at least 5 times, moving with your breath.
Chair Variation: The steps are the same when seated in a chair.
Incorporating your breath not only allows for deeper movements during the exhales but also brings a sense of mindfulness and calmness to the routine. However, don’t worry if it feels unfamiliar initially. Focus on the movement itself, and over time, you can reintroduce the breathing.
By dedicating a few minutes each day to these three movements, you can help release tension and improve mobility in your spine and back. Remember to move gently and take your time. Go ahead and give it a try! Your spine is going to love it!